Monday, January 17, 2011

We Proudly Present "The Last Whiny Man's Greatest Hits"

To anyone who got excited by that title, fuck you and die. "Greatest hits collections" are for idiots, for so many reasons, all of which I'll plow through right now. Strap in, retards.
They're all songs you've already bought anyway. They've all been previously released on albums, or as singles, or they're available online, anything you like. All the group/artist/whatever has done is taken the songs that were the biggest money spinners and put them together on one big money spinning package. But duh, that's obvious. What is less obvious is that it's only really appealing to the kind of base level moron that wallows in familiarity like the boring hippo person they are, only wanting to hear the same old shit that commercial radio spews out day after day, never changing, recycling all the oldest and most bland ideas keeping people stuck in their ignorant, unimaginative ruts. Fuck that was a long sentence.
Adding "bonus songs" doesn't make it worth having. You know that shit where they tack a couple extra songs on the end of the disc, as if to imply that they're future hits or something retarded. The ridiculous thing is, they normally end up being just that, because they're generally just more base level crap that record labels know will sell big bucks because people are predictable. Take Foo Fighters, who stuck that song "Wheels" on the end of their greatest hits collection. Number one, good going there Dave Grohl, I'm sure your old mate Kurt is so super pleased that you're selling out like a good little corporate whore, and number two, what a shitty fuckin' song. But of course it'll sell, because it's got that pop rythym that everyone seems to like and a craptacular singalong chorus so all the retards can caterwaul "when the wheeeeels come dooooown!" in their drunken off key voices, and of course you'll get the one guy thinking he's a musical prodigy for singing the backing vocals. Guess what retards? Dave Grohl just took your money, and you're stupid. Enjoy.
The internet has made this shit completely redundant anyway. Now, I'm not the most internet-savvy gentleman out, but even I know how to ride the torrents and chicane in and out of piracy-land. Or whatever. If you want a specific set of songs and you don't wanna pay 30 bucks for it, you can just download them. It takes me literally 20 minutes to download a band's entire discography. 20 minutes! It's almost as if you want to keep handing your money over and over again for the same old crap. It's like people who go to food courts but get McDonald's. McDonald's is shit, it's only for 2am drunken grease cravings.
This is all moot, because everyone knows good bands don't release singles, don't get on the radio and try to make albums, not money. Mmmmm... I can taste the hipsterism.

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