Monday, January 10, 2011

"Spiritual" Is Another Word For "Stupid Vague Bullshit".

There isn't a shortage of idiots. In fact, the new year is still in its infancy and I'd say we have a surplus. However, this almost goes against everything I've ever said, but I have a little bit of respect for idiots who pick their avenue of stupidity. Hats off to catholics, homeopaths, racists, holocaust deniers and all the retarded members of their ilk, at least you picked a side, even if it is dumb as all hell. But my hat stays firmly glued to my head for people who label themselves as "spiritual". Folks, you're stupid.
What the hell does spiritual even mean? According to Collins Dictionary, "relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter." Education time! If it doesn't relate to physical nature or matter, it doesn't exist! "Oooooh but maybe there's an unexplainable aspect to our existence blah blah blah!" Wrong. If it interacts with the natural world in any way, it falls strictly into the realm of science. It's like saying there's some numbers that maths can't handle, it doesn't make any sense.
So, why do people bandy about this word as the one size fits all explanation for why people can't accept that pixies and leprechauns and Jehovah and Krishna and Cthulu don't exist, make no sense and have no relevance to people today? Oh, wait, that's why. Because people, by and large, have no understanding of even the most basic science, and so they figure that "well, maybe" is a compelling argument. It pisses me off to no end.
But what pisses me off more? How you can get two spiritual people together, and after they finish fellating each other with assertions of how open minded they are, a so-called spiritual topic comes up and they just can't see eye to eye. It's funny as hell:
"Oh, I think all world religions have SOME validity, for I am spiritual."
"Yes, I agree. Furthermore, it is likely that pixies exist but are being covered up by scientists, who are greedy and eat children."
"What? You believe in pixies? That's stupid."
"Bitch I'll cut you!"
It's time we all accepted that when people describe themselves as "spiritual", what they're really saying is "I do not have the intelligence or wherewithal to define my beliefs or views, but I am partial to any feelgood nonsense that comes my way." You can almost guarantee that people who are "spiritual" will also subscribe to stupid shit like homeopathy, energy crystals, astrology, psychics and basically anything that makes you feel special. You can also almost guarantee that they'll defend these views despite rarely having an understanding of what they, science or logic entails. Next time someone labels themselves as spiritual, take a copy of "Brief History of Time" in one hand and a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in the other, then beat them to death with them.


  1. Too fuckin' right man. Never a truer word typed. I want to bust a gut when women - and it's almost always women - try portraying themselves as 'spiritual' to me. S'always my sign to head for the exit door, swiftomondo...

  2. It's a shame you have such a prejudiced point of view on this subject. You obviously haven't done much research on this subject. Although I agree that a lot of people believe things blindly.

    Only because you've seen a few people act so stupidly, doesn't mean that everyone does. Not all Catholics are retards, and not all spiritual people are dumb fucks. Only those who go overboard with it. I've met many atheists who are completely stupid, so what you believe in doesn't really change much.

    Also, I'd like to add that a lot of spiritual things Are explainable scientifically. It's up to you to do the research on it.

  3. I believe that spiritual people are right. The purpose of life is to drink spirits and get drunk as fuck. I prefer vodka to spirits, but idk if that helps with the purpose of life

  4. People who go 'overboard' with atheism are usually much smarter and people who believe in things with no measurable evidence or believe in unfalsifiable hypotheses are fucking stupid completely and objectively.

  5. Stupid article...When one side believes Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare...The other side believes infinite monkeys, using infinite typewrites randomly came up with the works of Shakespeare.

    You tell me who are the stupid ones?

    Seems to me that atheists are the fucking stupid ones...Snarky cunts too....well the majority of the "20 something" demographic of atheists anyway.

    And dont come to me with that "Im agnostic" shit...If you are agnostic, then you cannot justify a bashing article like this because you simply dont have any absolute truths to base your irrefutable assertions on...No one does.

    With this bashing article, you are taking a POSITION OF FAITH stating that anything unscientific is hogwash...That is not scientifically verifiable, you are breaking your own law...You asserting its hogwash with your faith does not make it so...

    and quite frankly people like you, who cannot even entertain supernatural ideas...are the most stupid narrowminded and arrogant cunts around

    I mean the theories you people come up with are more outrageous than any snake and an apple claim of a religion...What are you gonna give me? Singularities and multiverses with infinite monkeys when we are not even able to get out of our own universe to observe anything out side it?? LMFAO get the fuck outa here

  6. It's obvious that you have never experience a relationship with God... the words you have chosen to represent truth; Is a Lie, and you continue to deceive others with your agitation of Lies... You Will Be Punished.

    Understand everyone, faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it; Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of Christ like belief, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

    You are just like the scribes and Pharisees who were enemies to the gospel of Christ, and therefore to the salvation of the souls of men. It is bad to keep away from Christ ourselves, but worse also to keep others from him.

    Yet it is no new thing for the show and form of godliness to be made a cloak to the greatest enormities. But dissembled piety will be reckoned double iniquity... In other words you will be punished for becoming a vessel to be used by Satan to deceive people on Spiritual Gifts and Blessings and having Faith in The Almighty God....

    Yeah; I can see your very busy turning souls to believing "Do As Thou Wilt" (Aleister Crowley), and Not for the glory of God... WOE UNTO YOU.... MAY GOD HAVE MERCY UNTO YOUR SOUL!!!
