Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Step Away From Masturbating

What happens if people start to read this? What happens if I get a following? What happens when you type into google "Tuesday Night Wrist" and this blog actually pops up? Does it mean people agree with me, or they just want to read the rantings of a drunk? These are questions I don't have the answer to.
I don't want you to agree with me. I want you to question me, to point out the flaws, to pick apart everything I hold dear. I welcome it. People follow so blindly to anything these days, but at least Jesus was a nice enough bloke. Me? I'm a self proclaimed bastard with a quarter of a journalism degree and a chip on his shoulder about fucking everything. The gospel according to The Last Whiny Man? "People are terrible, best you avoid everyone but your friends and the chick behind the bar at your local."
Here's the deal... If you read this blog, you accept most people are dumb but you don't like it. You accept most people have their heart in the right place but don't know basic logic and reasoning from their arseholes. You accept that people have a herd mentality and you think it's funny to say stuff people won't agree with. Let's all, collectively, right now, agree that society may be going down the shitter, but at least there's a few of us desperately scrabbling at the porcelain. Scrabble on, noble smartasses. Scrabble on...

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