Monday, January 31, 2011

Because Hell, Jogging Is For Losers.

Medical science, you sell out whore. It wasn't enough to just try and cure cancer, was it? No, you had to throw fat folks a lifeline as well, didn't you? It's not as if you haven't spent years telling people that getting fat is bad, but you also have to provide them with cheating, get-out-of-jail-free cards if they couldn't help but stuff their faces with fried chicken 24-7? Fucking ridiculous.
Fat folks are so wonderful for the economy, aren't they? Spending their money on pizza and scam exercise machines. You kinda have to reflect on the nature of a society where you can consume so, so much more than you need, become grotesquely overweight and everyone just kinda takes it in stride. Do we have so much that it's just OK to stop caring and damage your health because cheese is just so damn delicious? Cheese may be delicious, but you don't have to eat a metric tonne of it. A slice will do, on a cracker.
So, we've come a long way from celery and treadmills, haven't we? Liposuction is a pretty unpleasant thought, a big hose just slurping that lard out of their fat arses, but at least you can make soap out of it, so that's OK. They're giving back to society. But where to from there? Lap banding surgery and gastric bypassing? Oh, you don't have the self control not to stuff yourself to bursting point every meal, so we'll just hog-tie your pork-bag so you effectively starve yourself thin. Is that really healthy? Hell, is that even wise? Going under the knife because you can't say no to a rubbish bag full of spring rolls if the opportunity comes up? I'd wager no, mostly on account of there's easier ways to shed some kilos than cutting your beer gut open, it just requires you to put some work in, you lazy slob.
Obesity is a disease? Yeah, in the same way that being a jackass is. To quote Ricky Gervais, "what are the symptoms, everything is delicious?" This is just another rationalisation for your own lack of self control, making it out to be somebody else's fault. Guess what, lard arse? I'm not buying it, so put down the fork and stop your bitching.


  1. Do you think I can't use anymore rhetorical questions? Really? Do you honestly think I just can't make an entire post out of these? Well, guess what? I can, can't I?

  2. Jogging is for gay people faggots. Lol. Why run in shorts? Are you homo?
