Monday, September 27, 2010

Without Anger, I Am Nothing.

I've been a victim of my own hubris before, whether it's insisting that I can eat 8 Mighty Angus burgers in a row while drunk and feeling so ridiculously sick afterward or insisting that I could walk around on a ruptured ankle ligament and finding myself in ridiculous pain. In both these instances, my belief in myself and my ability to do retarded shit in a consistent and thorough fashion has resulted in a lot of unpleasantness. You think I would learn, but frankly, I'm just far to stupid.
You might be wondering where I'm going with this. "What could he be angry about today?" could be running through your head as you start to doubt your lord and master's ability to provide a bitch on a weekly basis. Well, the fact is, I've got nothing, really. There's a few things I'm mildly miffed about, but they are either too insubstantial to get me rolling on a good rant or not quite irritating enough to get me really fired up. I am calm, zen, happy. I'm sipping a cup of tea and watching the lifestyle channel while discussing curtains. I've become that which I once hated.
And that annoys me. You see, the world is a gigantic shithole full of awful people saying dumb things. If you aren't pissed off about SOMETHING, you aren't really paying attention. Train drivers striking because an essential service like them hasn't received a pay rise (even one just to keep up with inflation!) in 4 years... that's pretty horrible. There's still racism, there's still poverty, there's still greed. Even on trivial shit, Soundgarden aren't playing Big Day Out 2011, that kinda sucks. There is so much to complain about, every single person out there SHOULD be able to do what I do, provide a 3-5 paragraph spiel every week about something that is angering or frustrating them.
Stripped of my amazing complaining powers, I wander this earth a lost soul, devoid of meaning or purpose. Or, you know, I would, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm in a super good mood lately... the reasons for this are aware of their existence. But long story short, I have exposed myself as the shallow and irrational person I am, deep down inside. To everyone, I implore you: Do NOT lose your anger, your vitriol or your disappointment just because you're in a good mood. There's still shit out there. Tune in next week when I get my groove back and go on for 10 paragraphs about something trivial that is pissing me off.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sure u'll find a way to be happy and rant. U never know ur reason for this good mood could piss u off. If she tries hard enough :P
