Monday, September 6, 2010

I Want To Destroy, Possibly.

Man, fuckin' punk music. Ruined a generation of musicians. It's fucking ridiculous. Punk has got to be the only genre where the look and the philosophy was more important than the music. Seriously, what the hell?
Early punk, waaaay back in the day, man that was dumb. What was it, rock music got too hard for the common man, so you had to play sped up Chuck Berry riffs and sing about bus drivers? If you can sit there and tell me that Pink Floyd made bad music, or it was too smart for you, or it didn't speak to your problems, you're either a liar or an idiot. The truth is, these were garage musicians who made a career out of being loud and abrasive for no reason, and a generation of disenfranchised English youth were dumb enough to latch on.
Then you get this divergence. With the exception of some particularly talented hardcore groups like Bad Brains and Black Flag, who were all skilled at the instruments and genuinely interesting musicians (Greg Ginn for the win), you just had a bunch of guys trying to smash powerchords as fast as they could. Don't believe me? Listen to Minor Threat or The Circle Jerks (two very influential and respected hardcore bands) and tell me where the melodies, or the cool harmony, or the trenchant insights, or the interesting structuring, or ANYTHING experimental or different is. Hell, fuck different, point out something catchy and I'll call it a draw.
And then there's "Post-Punk" or whatever that term means, because I'll be damned if you could call Gang of Four or Magazine even remotely punk. I've heard The Smiths referred to as "Post-Punk". Yeah, sure, they emerged after punk, but so did Poison, and i'd say The Smiths music is about as punk-y as Poison anyway. Seems to me like any band designated "Post-Punk" was just a band punks wanted to latch onto, regardless of how "punk" they were.
Then there's straight-edge, emo, no-wave... just a rich tapestry of dumb ideas latched onto by losers. I'm not saying that punk fans are any more or less of losers than metalheads, prog nuts, raver kids or any of that stupid shit, it's aaaaaaaaaall stupid. What I am saying is that punk is so expansively stupid, yet it has this lasting cultural legacy that just makes me wonder where musicians went bad. John McGeoch is an awesome guitarist, stop associating him with you!

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