Monday, September 6, 2010

About Fuckin' Time!

Woo! Australia has a government! And it's the one I wanted at that. Huzzahs all 'round. I tuned in halfway through Oakeshott's speech and goddamn did the boy have a lot to say, but I'm not begrudging him that.
Additionally, a big fuck you to Bob Katter. The guy might be funny, but describing yourself as a socialist (it's in the West Australian from 4th Sept 2010) then swinging towards Tony H. Christ is straight up hypocrisy. Side note, the H. Christ suffix is meant to be derogatory.
OK, to business. Promises broken, blood of the workers oiling the big machines, fat cats getting rich off the sweat of our brows, blah blah blah. Very little will change, but it's a step in the right direction, so great stuff all round. Bring on the moral decay!


  1. Is man not entitled to the sweat on his brow?

  2. Bob Katter is an agrarian socialist (,just like the National Party.

  3. The closer we get to socialism the closer we get to an economic meltdown.Let the welfare mentality of the socialists be ripped to shreads and the liberals gain power again... sooner rather than later.

  4. Exactly, someone who needs welfare is just someone who is lazy. Just look at places like Sweden who have established socialism. Their quality of life is abysmal (ranked 5th on the quality of life index) and their economy is just a shambles (placing them 6th on the world competitiveness index). Simply shocking.

  5. OK guys, use better pseudonyms than "Anonymous". I know number 1 is a dirty socialist like me, i know number 3 is a conservative with terrible spelling (if it has a red line underneath, it's wrong!) and i suspect number 4 is number 1. And a legend.
