Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Titles Are For Lazy Bastards

Let's talk about education, shall we? No, wait, before I get going, just a heads up; this is me in full on rant mode, most of the things I say here are observations, I don't have figures supporting what I say. Just roll with it, it all ties together logically.

So, education system. What a load of shit. I swear to god, you hope against hope that teachers will be mature and not fuck with the already fragile minds of teenagers, but no, we get "OH-EM-GEE EVERYTHING YOU DO HERE WILL AFFECT YOUR LIFE IN SO MANY WAYS AND IF YOU FUCK UP HERE YOU WILL BE A HOMELESS BUM FOREVER!" Excellent, outstanding, that's exactly what kids need to hear. If you fuck up here, you've fucked up forever; that seems to be the crux of what high school teachers are trying to get across. Just throwing it out there, but FUCK THAT SHIT. I get it, you want to motivate them, make them do well in everything they do, open doors, all that crap, but this is not the way to motivate teenagers! To anyone who has said that the education system is too soft nowadays, choke on your own vomit and die. Yeah, it's softened up in some aspects, but it's still the same focus on rote learning, the same chip-away-the-edges education that tries to make everyone into good little worker drones that fit the mold and don't ask too many questions. It's FUCKED. You want motivated students? How about offering them something a bit more than just the rigid, personality crushing banality of memorizing facts? How about offering them the opportunity to learn about what interests them and letting them find their own way in the world rather than piling the stress on them until they latch onto some course or career to shut the shrieking voices up?

Then tertiary education. How excellent it is that there are institutions where people can learn the skills and gain the qualifications to become functioning, contributing members of society. Oh, what's that, they're privately owned and run to make a profit? Well, that doesn't sound right... Oh, wait, never mind, the government will subsidize it, that seems fair considering we're there to enter the workforce and help the country. Except the debt is passed onto you when you start working. Nothing like delaying the pain to make it better. Not only that, the student allowances allocated to people who study are so miniscule that it's barely worth claiming them, especially because they're diminished if you work. So university students are working part time jobs to make ends meet between classes and assignments. Does anyone else see an issue with this? Lazy students? Blow it out of your god-forsaken whore arse, I personally work 30 hours a week on top of a full time course load, and I know people that do more. Apprenticeships have the same issues, what with the pathetic pay and hard work. It's marginally better, but it's still a system that imposes hardships on people trying to gain the skills to contribute to society. Why not just shoot all young people? That's what you want, isn't it, you old fuckers? I fucking loathe the baby boomers.

Ok, that's leading into a new rant, but I'll cut it there. Long story short, the education system makes depressed little worker drones who have to work ridiculously hard and have a stigma of laziness attached to them by a generation of greedy, spoiled, destructive 40-somethings just to get a foot in the door of the world of careers and home ownership. What tremendous bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this is the most accurate thing i have read all year, I agree. Fucking 40 y/o's. Now we have fucking cougars to deal with, stealing all our young people! Damn you Courtney Cox!
