Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hilarious in its audacity...

I stumbled upon a facebook group entitled "Support Australia's 2022 Official FIFA World Cup Bid". Fuck yes, me joining a facebook group will totally help Australia's chances of hosting the largest sporting event in the world. It'll totally negate the fact that Australia's various football codes seem to have a malicious chip on the shoulder about each others popularity, or the fact that, for a long time, football (soccer if you're retarded) has been denigrated and labelled as the sport of wogs and weirdos in this country. It'll completely wipe clean the memories of the fact that, until we finally qualified for the 2006 World Cup, ending a 28 year absence, the vast majority of this country collectively didn't give a shit about the endeavours of our disastrously named "Socceroos". Fuck you, all you people who would worry that it'll disrupt the "footy". Fuck you, all the people who are so xenophobic as to think that the FIFA World Cup is an irrelevant sporting event. Fuck you, Frank Lowy, for having the audacity to suggest we deserve it and fuck you anyone who agrees. We've got a long fucking way to go.

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