Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right.

Well, well, well, what a sorry fuckin' state we find ourselves in as election time rolls up here in the merry old land of Oz. I've heard several compelling arguments against both major candidates, what with ALP leader Julia Gillard being an atheist redhead with a vagina and a live-in boyfriend and Liberal leader Tony Abbott having funny ears and wearing speedos. To anyone who has made these arguments, or feels that they are in any way valid, I hope you get viciously raped. Without protection. You're a moron. I half wish Peter Costello was still in the fold at Liberal, because "Abbott and Costello" is a pretty solid way to describe the toss salad of idiocy that has been everything political these past few weeks and months, from the decisions to the media coverage to the opinions spouted by the kind of people who send letters into newspaper write-in columns starting with "I'm not prejudiced, but.." and sign off as Indignant from Mongoloid Central. What the fuck is wrong with you people? I'm not saying "vote for who I tell you", but at least have the common decency to fire off a few synapses and form an opinion based on something a bit more cerebral than "I don't like the way they look/speak/scratch their nose". These are the people who are going to be running the country! Grow a fucking brain cell or two!
And while the momentum of rage carries me, what the fuck is the horse meat issue? I bet you're sitting there, all smugly self satisfied, telling yourself that only wogs and deviants eat horse while you chow down on your chicken wrapped in bacon with a side of meatballs, hopelessly ignorant of your own hypocrisy. There is no difference whatsoever between eating horse and eating any other bred and farmed animal. They're cute? Alright, let's go get some lamb chops, or some veal if you're gutsy. It's tough? First of all, no it isn't (and I have eaten horse, so blow it out your ass), and second of all, as if you would know, incinerating steaks on a barbeque for a good hour until it resembles a sneaker in both taste and texture, you uncultured shit. I swear, I can nary catch a snippet of conversation without hearing a view so malformed it makes Joseph Merrick look like Grace Kelly. Not that any of you idiots would even know who they are. Ugh, fuck this, I'm going to go eat a panda and vote for the Sex Party.

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