Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Never-Ending Struggle Of What You Want Against What You Need.

As much as the individual may feel autonomous, in control of their destiny and beholden to none but themselves, the individual is also deluded and wrong. Between the genetic commands that shriek at us on pretty much every level of our consciousness, the underlying social pressures to conform and the immediate peer pressure one may face without even realising it, your personality and choices are as much everyone else's as they are yours. What is curious, then, is how often genetics, society and immediate peer pressure come into direct conflict with each other.

Consider monogamy. While it is true that companionship is good for the mental well being of most people, the idea of conflating one's sex partner with one's long term companion doesn't really have a naturalistic explanation. And before anyone jumps in with the "fuckin' Christians ruining everything!" screed, monogamous marriage isn't a Christian invention. Tonnes of other faiths were pulling that shit way before Christianity even existed. In terms of a cohabitation contract, I get why marriage is appealing, but in terms of companions and sex partners, it's a clear example of society clashing with physiology.

So, why would society fight against physiology? Nowadays the religious influence is undeniable, but it's 2011, there are more atheists and agnostics than ever before, while more religious folks are on the liberal end of the spectrum. It's a scary thought to consider; some things are so ingrained in society, there's no rational explanation for them, but yet we still believe them as if they were true. The average person will be pro-monogamy, anti-drugs (but somehow OK with alcohol and cigarettes) and fairly set on getting a well paying job that they may not like, but does that really make sense? Monogamy covered, the wealth of evidence to suggest that certain drugs are nowhere near as bad as they're made out to be, while alcohol and smokes are up there with the worst things for you. To put it in perspective, I was prescribed a drug as a child that is now illegal for me to use recreationally as an adult. Think about that. My developing brain was fine for amphetamines, but if I want to get focussed and buzzed now (and when assignment week or exam time rolls up, why the hell wouldn't I?) I'm breaking the law. It's bonkers. As for the job thing, I believe I've ranted on the topic before but how insane is a society that values income before happiness? Have your cake and eat it too if you can, but seriously, don't settle for the cash. You will regret it.

As much as I'd like to think I'm above all this social pressure, the simple truth of the matter is my psyche is completely and totally shaped by a combination of those three forces; my genetic imperatives are tempered by wider social pressures telling me to be civil and civilised, while peer pressure inside that encourages me to conform to some social norms while rejecting others. None of it was really my choice, but awareness allows you to compensate for it. As is always the case, the more you understand how people work, the more torn you are between forgiving them and hating them. Looks like I'll just conform to my physical desire to get plastered, that'll help.

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