Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Let Them Have The Fucking Cigarettes.

I don't want to make a big deal out of this, because I'm already a big smelly liberal and frankly I'm a little too frazzled to really make this coherent, but can we all admit, this isn't even about cigarettes anymore?
For the uninitiated, turns out the Federal Government is paying for asylum seekers' cigarettes while they're in detention. And this has got some people all annoyed on both sides of the fence. Consider this an open letter:
Anti smoking people, please stop. You've all got to be the most sanctimonious, holier than thou group of pricks in existence. Let's be totally clear, we all know the risks. People are well aware of just how bad smoking is for you, it's been public knowledge for sometime. Cigarette companies can't advertise, they have to display horrendous images on their packaging, which is soon to be made plain by some stupid law. Don't you think you've done enough? I know what you're thinking, "we haven't done enough until no-one smokes!" but seriously, is that even your call? Yeah, yeah, I know, liberal scum, but seriously, get off your high horse. You have as little right to tell someone to stop smoking as they have to tell you to piss off if your kid was crying right next to them or you were drinking a Red Bull. For the record, I hate both those things, but if it's happening near me, I'll move. Why? Because I respect your rights. Evidently you don't do the same.
Smokers complaining about how much they have to pay while these dirty brown people get them for free... guys, some compassion, please? Normally I'd just tear you down, call you morons, whatever, but this time around, I just can't. Never mind the simple fact that you have enough disposable income to afford smokes in the first place which makes you better off than a disturbingly large percentage of the rest of the world, but do you really reckon a free packet of Winnie Blues makes them feel all that better about what they've just been through? I realise this is the equivalent of banging my head against a racist brick wall here but it's just so exasperating. Living your whole life in a first world country doesn't make it OK to just sidestep having a sense of perspective.
Man, I'm gonna go on record here and say I'm proud of the government on this one. This is a decision that helps no-one but the asylum seekers. I didn't think our government worked that way, and to see just a shred of shared humanity in this otherwise messy issue brings a smile to my face.

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