Monday, February 7, 2011

Hopefully This Will End Well.

I've got no specific ideas for what to whinge about, having used up my one idea yesterday. So I'm just gonna riff on whatever comes into my head for a while until the post is up to a good length. There might be some people who're happy about this, I assure you you shouldn't be.
People seem to hate critics. I don't know why. Critics are awesome when they do their job correctly. See, good critics should fall into two categories: embittered bastards who's job it is to say horrible things about people, staying just shy of being illegal and never being that serious and legitimate observers of a craft who make reasoned judgements based on experience and study. The problem I seem to hear a lot is "but that's just their opinion, (what they've just criticised) might be good!" Well excuse me, dickweed, I didn't realise that your sensibilities were so offended by their journalism degree and experience in the field. Food critics probably go to more restaurants than you, and they're certainly more qualified to be a writer than you, so maybe, just maybe, their critique has got an edge on yours? Muse on that one. Also, another one I hear, which pisses me off to no end, is along the lines of; "how can you be a music critic without being a musician? how can you be a food critic without being a chef?" What a stupid fucking stance to take. Your ability to play a song has no bearing on your ability to critique it, they're two completely different skills. Case in point, I know some musicians with absolutely terrible taste in music, liking all the samey, middle of the road crap like Snow Patrol and Nickelback. If you think Nickelback makes good music, I don't care how well you can play music, you aren't fit to be a critic. You're barely fit to breathe, really.
Floods in the eastern states make me sad, but also make me angry. They make me angry because, even now, I'll bet you there's still climate change deniers. I'm not saying the floods are proof or anything like that, I'm just saying... weren't floods and humid heat waves meant to be the two signs that shit be fucked, and fucked good? Get back to me on that one.
The air conditioning in my car is fucked. This makes me very sad. Just thought I'd insert that one in there.
The price of cigarettes has gone up again. I'm a non-smoker, but I do wonder about the wisdom behind this. I mean, obviously, increased price is a revenue raiser from tax and a disincentive for people to smoke, so that's good, right? But read that sentence again, and think about it; the government makes money off the purchase of cigarettes, but also is behind a campaign to get people to stop smoking... obviously the fewer people who smoke, the better, considering that fewer smokers would mean some weight taken off the medical system (how much I couldn't say, but I'd wager it wouldn't be all that much), but then the government would see diminished takings for cigarette tax. Wake up, sheeple! Isn't it obvious!? The government only wants you to smoke if none of your friends do! I happen to know a few, so I've got no obligation to light up, but the rest of you, I encourage: If you don't know any smokers, take up the habit! It's smooth and mild. This way, the strain on the healthcare system is minimal, but the government still makes money, so we can still have a healthcare system! Winner! The first person to point out ten problems, logical fallacies or straight up errors in that last paragraph wins a six pack from me.
It appears that no-one has taken on board my message (read: whinge) about soppy stati on facebook. Seriously, stop it, you lame fuckers.
Well, that's about it for me, I've run out of ideas. I'd drink some icy cold inspiration, but it's not even 11am, so I'd better keep it to a minimum until past noon. Shocking, I know.

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