Saturday, February 12, 2011

Children Provide Important Protein.

Just a quick word on human rights 'n shit. I saw a pop up ad advertising to help dogs avoid a painful death in Bali. It might just me, but if that had said "Britain" or "America" or any first world country I might have given a shit. Thing is, the plight of Balinese dogs doesn't rank to highly on my radar when I consider the plight of Balinese people. Some of them are doing OK, sure, but poverty, illness and hunger are pretty widespread over there and it turns my stomach a little to think of children not getting enough to eat.
I'm all for animal rights, in countries where people are educated and doing well enough financially, there shouldn't be animal cruelty. Unfortunately, there exists places where that isn't the case, so a campaign to save dogs, and not people, strikes me as a typically oblivious middle class white person's cause. I understand you want to do the right thing, but what you're doing isn't that. If I had to choose, I'd rather see a stray dog starve than a child. There I said it, come get me PETA.

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