Monday, November 8, 2010

The Worst Kinds of People

Seriously, what the fuck happens to people when they age beyond forty? Do their brains just go "nope, that's it for me" and take an extended break until death? That has to be it, it's the only explanation I can think of. How fucking stupid do you have to be, to go out wearing an unflattering shirt showing some tourist rat-hole you went to back in the nineties and a blank look on your face and wrestle with a fucking EFTPOS machine for a good ten minutes because you can't tell the difference between the cancel button and the credit button. Seriously, all forty year olds (notable exceptions are legends like Richard Dawkins and the mighty men of his ilk) have this dumbfounded expression permanently plastered on their mug, as if the entire world is this great, mystifying construct put there to confuse and irritate them. Here's the thing, shithead, the world ain't that tricky, you're just a retard.
Anyone who goes on about the "good old days" should be shot. In the face. Life wasn't better in the "good old days" you retard, you had a tiny TV with a good 3 channels, there was no such thing as the internet and university was only for rich folks. If someone can look you in the eye and tell you, straight faced, that life was easier or better "back in the day" you should slap the rose tinted glasses right off their faces. Technology rules, get on board.
Then you get the moral argument. "Kids these days" or some crap along those lines. Hey, you know what? My generation wasn't responsible for slavery, apartheid, world war two, vietnam, the state of the environment, economy or education system. That was you fuckers. This is your legacy to the next generation, a completely fucked planet with more problems than we know what to do with. Thank the scientists and inventors behind computers, microprocessors and basically all the information technology advances which give us a bit of a fighting chance to save the planet from itself.
Fuck baby boomers. Terrible fucking people. All that baggage from your parents dumped on us as you greedily consumed all you could leaving a bastard platter of crises for the next generation to solve. So if you see a baby boomer slowing down the line at a convenience store, bitching about computers, complaining about the morally bankrupt young people or spouting some ridiculous crap about how life was easier in the 60s, kill them. I'm encouraging you to pick up a blunt instrument and bludgeon to death any baby boomer who isn't actively trying to undo the twisted legacy they're leaving. I'm advocating murder here, people, get murderin'! I fucking HATE baby boomers.


  1. Wow, ageism. How controversial.

  2. University was free during their time.
