Saturday, November 20, 2010

Too Fuck to Drunk

Hello all, post is early this week because I'm away this coming Tuesday. If you can, just imagine this was posted on Tuesday the 23rd.

An article I saw in the Weekend West yesterday, the friggin' front page article, was about a "sexting" scandal in a public school here in Perth. Apparently a fourteen year old kid has been charged with possession of child pornography because he took the video from his phone and put it on his home computer. I just want to tell you all, this article highlights everything that's fucked up about the world. It was a condensed synopsis of retarded behaviour.
So, the story starts thusly: A bunch of teenagers, aged 14 to 16, are throwing a party, wherein a 14 year old girl in invited, supplied with alcohol and then filmed performing sex acts. Said footage is then distributed via mobile phones, before our jailbird protagonist uploaded onto his computer and onto the net, thereby getting caught possessing and distributing child pornography. A comment from the principal of the school where they all attend said the incident was very embarrassing or something similarly non-committal.
First of all, why the hell weren't all the little bastards in the film expelled, charged, sent to juvie, whatever? You have them on film committing a felony. Apparently there's a law that says something along the lines of "just having someone on film doing something isn't really proof of anything" and while I'll concede that yes, film can be faked, a grainy, low quality telephone video which still explicitly and most definitely depicts a felony might be at least very strong evidence? Especially when you know who filmed it using what.
Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with kids these days? Jesus-tapdancing-Christ, am I so out of it that I've forgotten what high school was like? I hear stories of students fighting teachers, getting drunk and filming each other having sex and I can't help but think "do you really think your lives are that special?" Reality television and vapid trash magazines celebrate fame and excess and you suddenly have retards wanting to grow up to be just like the folks on Jersey Shore or whatever mind poison MTV is pumping out and they think that notoriety and self-congratulation are more important than say, learning a skill or talent or not becoming a completely useless, self-obsessed douchebag who contributes nothing to society as a whole except bringing the collective average IQ down a few points! AAAAARGH! I want to tell everybody aged 12-17 out there: It's neither funny nor impressive that you drunk two vodka cruisers then performed oral sex on someone who's name you aren't exactly sure of. In big-person world, that makes you an unpleasant skank who people avoid. If you think anything you've done in high-school, short of getting into a course or apprenticeship, or getting a qualification (you know, those things you should be doing), is in any way important, funny, interesting or noteworthy, you're most certainly wrong. Nobody cares; you have to work to make people care.
It pains me to see this kind of thing happen, it really does. It pains me, not only because there are young lives here that are going to be forever changed but also because, somehow, there is some social pressure to do shit like that. You kind of have to question the stupidity of a lot of different parties when a series of events culminates in people thinking this is OK. And I know it isn't the average high school student doing all this retarded stuff, but you have to wonder if these are just extreme cases of what's happening anyway. Having former teachers tell me that students are getting worse is kinda worrying, I'd much rather have functional bridges than teenage sex videos. Just throwing it out there.

P.S: If there exists a study comparing teen pregnancy rates, drug use, underage sex and drinking with national test scores which take into account the way schooling has changed over the years, I'd love to read it. I don't think teaching was better with the cane and rote learning, quite the opposite in fact. However, there is a difference between effective teaching and just coddling little bastards, and I'd like to see if the numbers reflect this.

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