Monday, November 1, 2010

Whoops, You Got Me!

Arguments between creationists and evolutionists reach new levels of dumb sometimes, watching two people who know nothing about anything yell at each other. Sometimes they're actually interesting arguments, but people tend to get angry or upset about the topic so proper discussion becomes very difficult. There does seem to be one consistent theme throughout these "discussions" though, and that is this: No-one involved is a fucking expert.
I wholeheartedly endorse discussion between regular people; it shows you have a brain cell. What I hate, with a fiery passion that threatens to consume almost every single person in Uganda, is when people quote facts that they plucked from a book or website with a sense of airy superiority, as if they'd stumbled upon the argument to end all arguments and only they are privy to its brilliance. You know what, shithead? There's a good chance we've heard it before.
I bet you think you're so fucking smart that you could reference the 2nd law of thermodynamics, or the observed instances of speciation, or the differences between micro-evolution and macro-evolution, or the difference between evolution and the origin of life. Yeah, I don't give a shit what side you're on, if you argue it stupidly, you're an idiot. If you think that your brilliant delivery of an idea that had been widely published as much as decades previous was enough to change people's deeply entrenched worldviews, you've got some serious ego problems, kid.
I can assure you, I've heard a lot of arguments about the origins of life and the biological and chemical processes that brought life to this point. I've given up trying to educate and discuss with people, because people think that education is a democratic competition. I've got news for you, son, it isn't. Reality isn't democratic and it doesn't give two shits about your feelings, it's arguable whether or not reality could even be defined to "exist". Reality is going to be the way it is regardless of how you phrase your argument. Cut the semantics and cut the emotional bullshit.
The world is a big, angry, scary, fucked up beautiful place. I can't remember the last time I read an article about science or philosophy and didn't take a moment to reflect on the beauty of the world. I don't care how you were raised, what epiphanies you've had, what you've read or what lectures you've listened to. I don't give a shit about any of your subjective, flawed and ultimately unreliable experience. What I give a shit about is looking at this brilliant world, this amazing universe we inhabit and finding out exactly how it works. If I was a more rigorous man I would be a scientist, so I could peek behind the veil of reality and see the cogs working. What I am is an amateur writer, a lazy journalism student and an acolyte of the art of bullshit detection. I understand semantics, I understand word games.
Stop competing over your worldviews, you retards. Stop trying to convince people you're right and convince yourself. I mean really convince yourself. Don't believe anything you hear, at all, ever. Hold everything up to the light of skepticism and be prepared to feel cold, alone, small, insignificant and scared. Be prepared to doubt, to question and to be unsure about everything you do and see and hear. I've had so many people try to convince me of THIS or THAT or even THOSE that I've lost track, and the only conclusion I can reach is that chemicals self replicate, electrons fire and we are aware of this. I'm aware that perceptions have been tabulated, behaviours predicted and laws and theories formed. If you want to argue about that, be my guest.
Life is nonsensical, unfair and fleeting, and that's the way it's gonna stay. The least you can do is try and figure that shit out before awareness ceases. Get on board.

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