Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The World Is Ending Because Of Condoms.

This isn't really topical, despite the title. Apparently the world has been ending for years now. Or so people of a more conservative bent would have you believe. As someone on the more liberal end of the spectrum, this is something I just don't understand. See, as far as I can tell, the moral fabric of society is (supposedly) crumbling with each successive generation as test scores plummet and teen violence and pregnancies soar. Thing is, and I don't want to ruin your brain or anything here, but none of those things are happening.
What the fuck is the "moral fabric" of society? Somehow I doubt that the gays getting married will lead to murder becoming fine by everyone. If you're talking about the systems of self-regulation that govern a stable society to prevent it from imploding, you're talking about stuff like murder, rape and lying (that's right, lying is bad for society. Look it up), it's never going to be the case that those things become acceptable. As a species, the vast majority of us are biologically wired not to do those things. Obviously there's extenuating circumstances (except for rape, I can't see a way that you could spin rape as the right thing to do in any given situation. I mean, statutory rape enters some nebulous territory when it's something like an 18 year old and a 15 year old, but I think we can all agree that a 30 year old and a 12 year old, in any direction, probably aren't going to be a healthy match sexually. Ugh, separate rant), but as a rule, The idea of killing another human being, or any other biologically antagonistic behaviour isn't something that many people will do.
I guess when people say "moral fabric," what they really mean is "adherence to the set of morals I like." This might not necessarily be religious, but if someone is a homophobe, I suppose they might see gay marriage as damaging to society. Unfortunately, the truth train does kinda roll in and demonstrate that it really isn't. Homosexuality is a biological quirk, no different to dwarfism or albinism. Hell, it's slightly different to those because it's not really detrimental (I'm not saying dwarves or albinos are disabled, but there are physical shortcomings that are characteristic of said conditions), but it's still something unavoidable and inherent in someone's chemical makeup. And yeah, I am calling those "pray the gay away" camps and "reformed homosexuals" a crock of shit. Because they are, suck it up. There's no argument for why two consenting albinos shouldn't marry, so why can't gays? Oh, they can't procreate? So, what about barren couples, or those that choose to remain childless? Ugh, pointless argument, it's been made a thousand times before.
And it'll be made a thousand times again before pants wetting conservatives understand that things change. The nature of society is constantly in flux as we understand more about ourselves and the world we live in. Yeah, change can be scary, but it's gonna happen, regardless. Fuck, even The Bible knows it: Proverbs 12:1 "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." There, even your mystical sky-daddy said it: Stuff changes, be rigorous in your pursuit for correct information and rejecting changes and corrections is stupid. Or, as The King James version says it, "brutish." I like that one.

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