Friday, May 27, 2011

For Fucks Sake, Vatican!

The priest that Ratzo put in charge of church reforms in the wake of a pedophilia scandal has been recorded trying to solicit boys "aged younger than 16" for sex in exchange for cocaine. He requested that the dealer "look for needy boys who have family issues." I don't even get schadenfreude from that, it's so vile. Seriously, pedophilia is disgusting, and when you look for boys that have troubled pasts already so they'll be more amenable to you raping them, you're a fucking terrible person. I literally don't give a shit about anything else you do, you're an irredeemable waste of life.
Let me extend the olive branch here. Agnostics, I know I may have called you weak-willed fence sitters in the past, but we're all agnostic really. You don't want to commit to any position right now, and that's fine. But As a whole, you guys all seem pretty humanist and I can almost guarantee you're anti-children being raped. Come on board and I promise I won't make fun of you for not being 100% logical and rational about everything all the time.
Moderate Christians. We've certainly had our differences, but you guys are all about the "God is love" bit. I don't even care what you think about the universe, these guys are tarring your otherwise pleasant message of love and tolerance with their stunted, fucked up take on morality. I promise not to bring up how nonsensical I find your take on reality if you come on board. Vaguely spiritual hippies, you guys can also piggyback on that promise.
The worst bit? Ratzo won't even get even remotely called up on this. Imagine if it was any other organisation, ever. "We hired a guy to fix all of our company cars, and he kinda accidently solicited sex from a minor in exchange for drugs. With any luck, we can sweep this under the rug..." but no, because His Holy Highness has a magical god-hat-radio he gets a walk on this one. The priest got caught in Morocco, so with any luck he'll get arrested and tried there, and treated to some Midnight Express style prisonry. In Ratzo's case, I have one question: Why the hell did someone try to assassinate PJP2? Shoot the nazi! It's not hard! Fuck, I expected a better quality of gun wielding maniac.
I can't wait for his next speech, where he starts apologising for how terrible his organisation is, and descends into blaming atheists and feminists for all the world's problems. You think it'd stop being funny after the first few times, but seriously, that shit gets funnier every fuckin' time you hear it.


  1. Loving it <3
    Your my hero

  2. i no rite! its lyk hes teh spokseman of are genoration!
