Sunday, May 22, 2011

Schadenfreude Pie

Obviously I'm not surprised that we're all still here, because I'm not an idiot. With that said, let me jump on the "up yours, Camping" bandwagon and say direct to Mr. Camping; you are a fucking legend and I want to be you. Seriously, he got a buttload of people, with money and assets and all kinds of shiny things to believe the most ridiculous of bullshit. He even got people to kill their own children! I would eat my own left nut for that kind of influence! Of course, I'd use mine to make the world a better place for everyone, but I guess I'm just a crazy kinda guy that way.
I'd also like to draw attention to something I learned today, courtesy of my girlfriend Jess. Apparently in Genesis, there's a passage wherein the big guy upstairs declares humans to be the caretakers of the earth. He palms responsibility for keeping this place nice and tidy squarely onto us. So, Republicans, better do something about global warming or else Saint Peter is going to drop you down the chute to the big fry pan down there. And Liberal Party too, to keep it nice and close to home.

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