Monday, December 20, 2010

Why Are They Always Four Letters?

As a linguiphile, I am incredibly upset with myself. I am upset with myself and just a little resigned. You see, Facebook (the highest pedestal of social interaction whose teat I hopelessly suckle on) has a little app going around that tells you the most frequently occurring words of all your stati for the last year. Being the curious little shit I am, I jumped aboard this party train. The results? Truly shocking. The leader, by a large margin, was "shit," followed by "fuck".
Anyone who's read any of my posts has probably figured out I'm fond of expletives. I do enjoy them, they are the hot sauce for language, providing an intensity you just can't get from "golly". As a truly, truly intense person, listening to speed metal while I skydive naked with strippers, I don't have time for non-intense sentences like "I should probably do the laundry." I only ever utter sentences like "I'm going to fuckin' bungee off this fuckin' waterfall!" and "Shit yeah I'm going to eat a steak upside down on fire!" I have melted eyes before with my radiant awesome.
He says while penning his weekly whinge blog. My life is what you'd describe as "pleasantly average," redolent with normalcy. A number of friends, a smattering of interests and a regulation level of laughs. There's no need for me to add "fuck" as a prefix to most of my statements. Indeed, as I have noticed when I'm out in company, I have an incredibly foul mouth. I have responded to the offer of tea and biscuits with "shit yeah, Nan!" That just seems unnecessary. So, why is it that I just don't find these words even remotely offensive?
The answer? They're just words. They are a combination of syllables representing a meaning or idea. There's nothing inherently offensive about them. I know some people are offended by certain words, but I just cannot relate. Sure, I'll check my language if it offends someone, but personally, I don't give two shits how you talk. It's not words I find offensive, it's content. The word "fuck" may offend some people, but I'll tell you what, when I see stickers saying "Australian Way Of Life, Fit In or Fuck Off" it isn't the "fuck" that offends me.
So we can all embrace the beauty of expletives, I encourage everyone to try and integrate them into the holiday season; "fuck yeah I want some turkey!" "this egg nog is the shit!" and, of course, "Merry fuckin' Christmas, Grandma." Get the fuck on board.

PS. A big Merry Christmas to the five or so people that read these entries, you bring it very close to being worthwhile, and my intense level of conceit tips it over the edge. Secular best wishes, everyone!

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