Thursday, December 16, 2010

Believe It Or Not, This Used To Be A Music Blog

OK, shut up. Stop whatever the fuck it is you're doing, go to your nearest music depository and purchase Congratulations by MGMT. Download it maybe, that'll save you a trip. The point is, obtain this record. It's fucking amazing.
There was a time when people understood what an album should be. It should not be 70 minutes worth of amalgamated material designed to give more minutes of music for your buck. That's fucking stupid. There should be a degree of brevity. A good album makes you go "aaaawww... I can't believe it's already over..." not "wow, it's still going." That said, it should also deliver bang for your buck, not filler and stupid shit. Every part should be on there because it deserves to be. There aren't many albums that have done that recently, so MGMT, my hat goes off to you.

The Honour Roll: Congratulations by MGMT, Fear of a Blank Planet by Porcupine Tree, An Argument Between the Taste and the Feeling by Minute 36, Traced in Air by Cynic and Kezia by Protest the Hero. Albums in the truest sense of the word: All have consistent and cohesive themes, are good from start to finish, contain no filler and don't wear out their welcome. Lads, you get the Official Tuesday Night Wrist Seal of "I'm OK With Your Existence". Wear it proud.

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