Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Don't Know Who's Fighting Who But At Least One Side Are Dicks.

Welcome to December, the beginning of summer and the accursed festive season that comes with it. Unfortunately, it's impossible to truly enjoy the oppressive heat and Christmas jingles. Why? Because we're at war! A war against Christmas!

Well, not really. Anyone with half a brain doesn't give a shit either way, but there's been some complaints about it, mostly from fundamentalist Christian nutjobs. Long story short, the increased secularisation of Christmas and greetings like "Happy Holidays" are all part of an evil librul [sic] plot to kill baby Jesus.

This is typical of American fundamentalist Christianity, in that the whole premise is built upon some imaginary persecution against them. In this case, the thinking is that the gub'mit [sic] is trying to phase out everything Christian from everything by avoiding overt references to Christmas (you know, the major holiday of one specific organised religion) from all its communications, while major department stores are doing the same, replacing "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" because of "The Political Correctness Police" (can you hear the helicopters!?).

The problem is that it ignores some other truths about modern society; namely that there are a lot of different belief systems around, Most first world nations are (or claim to be) secular states, Christmas has changed meaning that many times it's almost unrecognisable and at any rate, it's about as sinful as you can get, what with the pork and the Christmas trees and such... long story short, the "War on Christmas" is built on lies and fought over nothing.

Thing is, it's largely an American problem, so why worry about it over here? Well, because we have our own angry fundamentalists; patriotic fundamentalists. Despite whispers that fundamentalist Christianity is on the rise in Australia, Australia's angry defenders of all things xenophobic and plain wrong are largely secular. They're not "defending" their faith, they're "defending" their nation. The overriding sentiment seems to be something along the lines of "they're trying to ban us from saying 'Merry Christmas' because it offends the Muslims! If you don't like our way of life, you should leave! Christmas is an Australian tradition!" I kid you not, this is the overriding sentiment.

First of all, who's trying to stop you from saying "Merry Christmas"? Say it all you fucking like. Just don't get your knickers in a twist when someone says "happy holidays" back, or says something that isn't overtly Christmas related. No-one is trying to steal your rich Australian cultural heritage (which is, as far as I can tell, shitty sausages, shittier beer, shittier still cigarettes and conversations about footy and sexism. Correct me if I'm wrong), and given that Australia was colonised a very short time ago by the British, where the turkey and carols and such have been "traditional" for a much longer time, I don't think you can claim it. Talking about Australian traditions is like a whiny pre-teen telling his parents that they aren't the boss of him. I'm sure you feel all grown up but you certainly don't look or sound it.

The "Love It Or Leave It" sentiment doesn't need to be picked apart any more, because frankly, if you believe it, you're a racist piece of shit who is barely deserving of oxygen. Harsh? Well, I don't have time for bigots. Buy into it all you like, just own your racism, at the very least. It's very easy for the majority to feel justified by saying "this is a democracy, majority rules!" but it's not a democracy. Australia has a democratic system for electing officials, but when it comes to the well-being of the individuals, the majority doesn't get to stamp their authority down and demand all conform to them. Co-existence doesn't have to equate to assimilation, and if that concept is difficult for you, it's probably because of your rampant xenophobia. Look at yourself, not them.

Tradition isn't necessarily good just because it's older or more established. Circumcision is a tradition for the Jewish people. Doesn't make it good or right. The war on Christmas, defending one's traditions in the face of some undefined foe, is just more xenophobic posturing from a group who has it too good to realise how good they have it.

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