Monday, November 7, 2011

This Is My Penance For Ragging On Everyone So Much

It should never be said that I'm a great lover of people. The individual person, sure, I know a bunch of them and they seem alright and realistically, a pretty large portion of the female population do hold some sway over what I say and do, so it's not as if I hate every person on an individual and personal level. As a horde though? Dickheads the lot of them. While they remain that dehumanised gaggle that vote liberal, hate on gays and make it a social taboo for me to light a cigarette in a fucking beer garden (seriously, my local split the beer garden into smoking and non-smoking sections. Bunch of wankers...), I have nothing but hatred for them all. Seriously, would it be so difficult for you all to, en masse, tone down the whole "racist, sexist, ignorant swarm" thing? It's not a huge ask.

That said, there's a lot of people out who think misanthropy gives them a free pass to have no appreciation for the small number of awesome things the human race has done. I don't know whether it's because it's fashionable or people don't do enough reading, but all this "baby's first philosophy" nihilistic crap about how shitty the human race is and how much they've fucked up the planet and society needs to take a bit of a break. Yes society has some glaring flaws, yes the planet is pretty fucked and it looks like it's only getting worse and yes, when you die you cease to exist so there's no real self-interested reason in giving a shit about anyone else after they die, but seriously? Get a fucking clue.

First of all, there was a time when living beyond the age of 9 wasn't the norm. That's not prehistoric, that's 19th century Britain. The application of science, logic and reason made it possible for people to have a life expectancy more than half a century. Fuck, it made it possible for people to live for 100 years! Think about that; medical science is so amazing, it's allowed some people to witness the invention of film, television and computers all in one lifetime. Imagine if you were alive for another 100 years from this point; you'd be seeing Star Wars shit, in real life. That's fucking amazing.

I've long since come to accept the fact that I won't get to experience everything the universe has to offer. It blows, and I'm pissed off about it, but it's just that grand universal truth everyone has to face. Eventually you stop experiencing stuff. Luckily, the human race made a ridiculous number of leaps and bounds in learning and technology, to the point where I can experience so much more than any other human being who's lived before me. There's almost no limit to how much I can learn, how much music I can listen to or how many mind-bending chemicals I can introduce into my body. And that's all thanks to human ingenuity.

Let's lay off the disparaging of human history. It's full of pretty shitty stuff, but it's also full of some amazing feats of creativity and tenacity. Stuff like air conditioning and the internet. The stuff that makes life worth living. The stuff that makes it easier to get through another day contending with the fucking horde. God I hate those guys.

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