Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stop Failing Semantics!

Far be it from me to turn down Schadenfreude pie, what with it's flaky crust and delicious filling, but I've had my fill. I've gorged on feeling superior, and now it's just getting sad. I guess it's high time I clarified it so you can all stop being wrong.

Theory does not mean what you think it means. It does not mean the same thing in science as it does in common parlance. The lay-person's use of the word "theory" could probably be replaced with "hypothesis" quite comfortably. A theory is an explanation of a phenomena that is (and this bit is really important) consistent with all scientific observations pertaining to it. You can't have a theory that is wrong, by definition. If it isn't consistent with observations, it's not a theory anymore, it's thrown out and disregarded. Therefore, you're complaint that x is just a theory and as such may not be true is... well, just plain silly. Yeah, sure, we might later find the theory is inaccurate, but when you say "oh, I don't subscribe to that particular scientific theory," what you are really saying is "I am not swayed by every existing scientific observation on the subject pointing to this conclusion, so I am going to draw my own, men and women of science be damned!" Which makes you a dullard. A pretentious, self-centred dullard at that. So, well done there.
I can kind of understand why people reject the theory of evolution, it might just fly in the face of your holy gospel. I'm OK with this, you have a lot to mentally sort out. You're still wrong, but it's kinda forgivable. Climate skeptics on the other hand... just what are you rebelling against? I understand, a lot of the data is kinda predictive and leaves some wiggle room for interpretation, but 100% of the scientific community (save that one guy who was published until his ideas got discredited... so it's still 100%. Never mind, disregard) is kinda agreed on this one. And as harsh as it is... you aren't smarter than them. You don't have some secret, hidden insight. You aren't the final arbiter of truth. You're a silly crank who has no idea what they're on about but feels smugly superior because you're a maverick skeptic, the last bastion for reason in an insane world... just kidding, you're a dumb fuck. Stop licking windows and get off your fucking high horse.

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