Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It Might Still be Tuesday Somewhere In The World

Not that anyone cares. Anyway, homeopathy: dumb. Yeah, I know, I've been hammering on the skepticism lately, but it seems like everyone I talk to now fails basic critical thinking. It's upsetting. With that in mind, consider homeopathy. Just think about it... if you're one of those shitheads I don't hate, you'll know just by thinking about it that it makes no sense. At all. Ever. If you're a credulous numbskull who I do hate, then you're probably scratching your head and saying something like "why don't you just open your mind, man?" Here's why I don't; It's already proven wrong, false, stupid. Disregard the whole like-cures-like, chemical memory vibrations of water molecules spiel, it doesn't matter. It's waaaay easier to prove it's bollocks with a few simple observations:
1) It's an alternative to modern, western medicine. OK, we can take this as a given, it's definitely not working in tandem with it. I'd argue it's working against it, but don't let my biases influence you. It's most certainly an independent alternative to modern medicine.
2) "Big Pharma" is driven by money, or truth. The reality is they're probably driven by a little bit of both, and for the purpose of this argument it doesn't matter which way it swings to whichever ratio. If we view the whole pharmaceutical industry as being driven predominantly by money, then the medicine that is cheapest and easiest to produce would be the ones flooding the market. If they're driven predominantly by truth or science, then it would only be medicines that demonstrated effects that find their way onto shelves. There'd certainly be flubs here and there, but completely ineffective medicines wouldn't see the light of day; no effects at all would be a failed experiment.
3) Homeopathy is a process whereby reagents are diluted over and over until virtually nothing is left in the mixture except pure water. For anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of chemistry, diluting stuff over and over again would be a very simple process. As well as this, water is dead cheap, and considering that homeopaths believe that increased effectiveness comes from a larger number of dilutions, costs of the actual "medicinal" (/snort) reagents would be minuscule. The cost of large scale homeopathic remedies being produced, factoring in labour, materials and machinery, wold be vastly smaller than the current costs of producing modern medicine.
4) If Big Pharma is driven wholly or predominantly by money, they'd be retarded to the point of brain-death not to discard their current manufacturing rationale for the mass production of homeopathic medicines. They could charge less for these remedies and still make an absolute killing because production costs would be so low. There's literally no reason for them not to switch to homeopathy. However, if they were wholly or predominantly results driven, or even driven in such a way that money and results had equal weighting, they'd have to run tests on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies to work out if they were actually worth pursuing.
5) Homeopathy remains a fringe interest that modern medicine, by and large, ignores. This means that the manufacturing companies who pass over it are either money driven capitalism machines that, somehow, are managed and run by mongoloid man-children with less business sense than a ferret OR homeopathy has demonstrated no effectiveness in treating maladies. To quote Randall Munroe, "If it worked, wouldn't companies be making a killing in it?"
I have no doubt some retard will have objections to this line of reasoning, so the challenge goes out. Point out the flaws or present a different option. If you just run your mouth about how I'm closed minded, I'm going to laugh at you, because you're an idiot. So enjoy that.

Closing with a joke: A man walks into a bar. He's a catholic. He gets very drunk, then goes home and hits his wife. Because they aren't allowed to use contraception, they have children, who have to see that. They are mentally scarred. Further, since their church does not recognise divorce, she's stuck with an abusive dickhead. The punchline is: God is love.
OK, yeah, that wasn't funny, but seriously, organised religions blow. The moderate ones blow less, until you get to the point where they're so moderate that it's just about the communal recognition of a being that loves you, always has and always will and wants you not to be a dickhead. I can see why it's comforting, and those communal group-hug/safety blanket/death is scary groups seem nice. I just think they're wrong.

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