Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Missed Update!

Except I'm posting now. So it wasn't missed, it was delayed. So I still have a perfect record, under my definition of perfect. MOVING ON.
Man, reality is a hard sell. When people are tossing up between downright silliness or the real world, I can understand why the real world doesn't even get a look in. I mean, look at reality's answers to those tough questions:
Where do we go when we die? Into the ground, or an oven, wherein everything that was ever you is slowly (or quickly) degraded away.
Will I ever get to talk to (insert dead relative or friend) again? Nope.
Why do bad things happen to good people, and vice versa? Because "good" and "bad" are ultimately constructs of our brain chemistry and environment and some people get lucky/unlucky.
Why did he/she leave me? Because you did something wrong, or they stopped wanting to be with you.
Will I ever find love? Fuck knows, but you'll be dead soon.
What makes me different or special? Virtually nothing.
And so on. Basically, those things people want; love, companionship, safety, a sense of understanding... yeah, reality gives you none of that. In fact, reality often takes it away. And the worst bit? Reality isn't a thing with a will or plan, it's just a random system that follows certain physical laws. So really, the laws of physics are the reason your wife left you. Enjoy that.
Now, it's at this point, you're probably saying to yourself, "gee, Last Whiny Man, you've really made an excellent case against reality. I totally understand why people may reject it in favour of all manner of silly things. In fact, I may just take a leaf out of their book and become a Baptist," or something along those lines. What this means is that you've completely missed the point. This whole "war of the worldviews" thing is a complete and utter crock of shit. You can view the world however the fuck you like, but some things are facts. Some things are unchanging and you can't bury your head in the sand.
With all that said, I realise this is either preaching to the choir or driving people further away from my side. And I don't care. I'm not going to try and sell the unsellable, but reality and a realistic worldview is not a fucking shamwow, or whatever useless shit they sell on that impulse buying channel. It's not something that needs to entice and excite. Reality the house you fill with all your unnecessary crap. To quote good old Randall Munroe, "Science. It works, bitches." If ever you feel that there is an easier answer out there, just remember, not all answers are right, or valid, or even on topic. And would you even want to live in a universe that had easy answers? Fuck that shit, I like my universe insane and complicated. Oh, and another thing, I hate it when people capitalise "universe". It's not The Universe or any ridiculous pseudo-religious nonsense. It's the plain old workaday universe we happen to live in. Stop anthropomorphising stuff.

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