Monday, March 14, 2011

I Only Eat Food That Fights Back.

Man, it seems like more than a week since I updated, but the numbers don't lie. I'm gonna put it down to uni dragging time on. It'll do that to you.
So, why are Australian diners so fussy? I don't understand it. You live in a country with more multicultural influence than any other and yet people's horizons seem just so narrow. To give some context, I have friends that, up until recently, had never eaten Chinese food. And I don't mean proper Chinese food, I mean the sweet and sour deep fried food colouring stuff that is literally everywhere. How do you through your life without experiencing greasy take-away at least once? Haven't you ever been hung over? I understand that having sampled a $7.50 lunch special honey chicken and fried rice doesn't constitute a cosmopolitan broadening of horizons, but it could a gateway food maybe? I don't know.
An island nation, surrounded by vast and plentiful oceans, and yet people are such seafood wusses. "Oh but it looks gross" I hear you cry on the subject of mussels (fact: chilli mussels are one of the best foods ever). Have you ever looked at a cheeseburger, i mean really looked at one? Next time you're sober and within striking distance of a McDonald's cheeseburger, have a good look at it and tell me what you think? Is it really that tasty looking? Because to me, it looks a lot like a part of the human anatomy in clown makeup weeping grease. I'm not going to specify which part, but if you can't summon up at least one to mind, there's something wrong with you.
Seafood is the shit, it tastes awesome, it's good for you, you can eat a whole family of creatures at one time and it goes really well with chilli, yet another food avoided by the perpetually wussy. What's the issue here? Is McDonald's and KFC so easy to obtain that we forget that good food exists? Are we so hopelessly allergic to flavour we think that all problems can be solved with more salt and sugar? I can safely say that I know far to many boring food-weaklings that it's less of a joke and more a point of contention. I have contended with people on this, I will continue to contend and contentions will happen in the future. You have been warned.
On the topic: Anyone who puts coke in good scotch deserves every STD all at once at the same time.

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