Monday, March 21, 2011

I Am Jack's Tremendous Disappointment.

Everyone has those "it might just be me" moments. You can have silly ones, like "it might just be me, but Nickelback doesn't totally blow" which are just you, you are a bad child and we hate you. You can have the valid ones, like "it might just be me, but the whole Charlie Sheen thing seems... well, dumb" which is valid, because who even cares any more? Although apparently one of his goddesses won an award for best anal scene. Is that a victory? I don't know. I suppose any accolade is a good one, and if you're going to use your anus for sex, and you make money as a direct result of that sex, I suppose some professional recognition is good. Where was I going with this again?
Oh, right, those moments. Yeah, I seem to be having them daily now. I can't figure out if I'm the last bastion of sense in this increasingly nonsensical world or I'm just going mad. The latter seems more likely, sure, but the first one has the word "bastion" in it, which is an awesome word. Brings to mind castles and warriors and shit. Now, as would be the case with anyone if they're prefacing a proposition with the phrase "it might just be me, but," what comes out afterwards are real thoughts of mine. They happen in my head with quite shocking regularity. So when you're greeted with blank looks and quiet acknowledgments that it is, in fact, just you, well that's worrying.
To give it context, I got this look in suggesting to someone to make their piece of writing (even) more dark and depressing in the beginning, then to use the flippant, jocular ending that they had suggested anyway, hence making the contrast deeply disturbing. This sense of disturbance, I posited, would be hilarious for the reader. Apparently none of my classmates shared this opinion, and I was greeted with a few shocked stares. Not "ooooh that was bad taste" stares, I'm talking full on "this man maaaaay be dangerous" stares. For the record, someone jumping off a building is not funny, a story wherein someone does that can be, if it's done right. I don't think I'm mad for finding the humour in the absurd and the macabre, but hey, that might just be me.
So, why the Fight Club reference as the title of this post? Number one, shame on you if you didn't get it until right now. You're a stupid person and you deserve to eat some glass. Number two, because me and a couple friends watched it last night and I never realized how funny it is. The first few times I watched it, I took it very seriously, for I am a pretentious art-school wanker. However, as is often the case, 6 beers in and suddenly the humour in everything becomes clear. Not that it's only funny when you're drunk, on reflection it has to be one of the most hilarious movies ever written. Edward Norton should do voice overs for EVERYTHING. So, the homework assignment: Go start a fight with someone and lose. Wait, no, not that. The assignment: Watch Fight Club. Even if you don't laugh out loud, if you can see the dark humour, the absurd little moments that you can't help but chuckle over, my work here is done. If you watch it from start to finish and don't find it at least a bit funny, I've got some bad news... you, my friend, are as humourless and boring as Two and a Half Men. And if you think that's a good level of humour and excitement, well then there's nothing more I can do for you. Seek help, or kill yourself in the funniest way possible.

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