Monday, February 20, 2012

On Professionalism.

I did want to write a nice two part entry on why exactly the music industry is as ostensibly terrible as it is, but my preparation for that particular endeavour has been... sporadic. Rest assured, it's in the works, being worked.

Anyway, to avoid completely immolating myself with shame, here's another set of samples from the cognitive bowel that is my brain.

The Labor Party should just re-instate Kevin Rudd. Just boot Julia out of the offices, ignore she ever existed, and just let Rudd manipulate the media the way you wished Julia could. Yeah, it'd make them look like slimy, backstabbing corporate whores, but the honesty would be refreshing and it should a ridiculous amount of guts on their part. Additionally, there's no way Tony Abbott could compete with that, he'd barely get a look from broadcasters.

Weezer's first album is really good. I won't post a full review because it's been out since 1994, but the songs are catchy and they just sound so very slack... great lazy tunes.

I was playing a card game with a friend a few days ago, and the instructions were written such that "he" was the pronoun used to describe the player, rather than "he/she" or "they" or something else gender neutral. Now, I'm guilty of doing this as well occasionally, but I found it slightly unnerving to read for some reason. I felt irritated the writer had used "he" exclusively. Signs I've completely internalised feminism, perhaps?

I sometimes wonder if the incredibly liberal among us look weird to the incredibly conservative among us. Personally, I tend to view the particularly conservative with sympathy, thinking "oh, I'm sorry you get to miss out on some cool stuff" but it occurs to me that to them, someone like me must look completely unfocussed and undisciplined. I suppose it's just a case of different points of view.

...and that about covers the amount I felt I needed to write to overcome guilt. 'til next time, friends.

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