Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Holy Shit, My Last Post Was Number 100!

In the interest of objectivity, I once again present The Last Whiny Man Plays Devil's Advocate: London Riots Edition.
Let me set the record straight; as it stands, with the United Kingdom going mental, burning all their shit and basically descending into the stone age, it's nothing but nonsensical destruction perpetuated by people who don't even know what they're angry about. They're certainly angry about SOMETHING, but it's lost on them as much as it is lost on everyone else. So no defending them there, it's all neanderthal level violence and hatred.
Thing is, this didn't spring forth from the aether and and overtake the hearts and souls of otherwise peaceful, calm people. There is a root cause here. Yes, the riots were sparked following the verdict handed down from a case originating from a shooting pertaining to the UK's new stop-and-search laws. Now, in this sense, I'm a little sympathetic; stop-and-search laws are a tremendous infringement on the rights of citizens and, frankly, shouldn't exist. They shouldn't even be thought about. Any government that cares about the personal liberties and rights to privacy of their citizens would realize that stopping random people on the street and searching them without any warrants or reasoning is about as oppressive as it's possible for a government to be. Factor in the fact that it was white cops and black victims and you have a whole messy barrel of worms. The series of events lined up in such a way that an outcry was inevitable.
Then, you've got the economic crisis. Government spending cut, students getting less benefits, young people all over the country feeling disenchanted and unrepresented by their government. All it really needed was a spark for a full fledged riot, a spark like this shooting case. Yes, there would be a percentage (maybe a depressingly large percentage) of people participating in the riots who aren't fighting for better representation and respect from their government, rather just being violent douchebags, but there would still be a percentage who are fighting against a system that has repeatedly wronged them.
What's that, I hear you cry? "Why can't they protest non-violently?" Well, the world isn't such a simple place. Maybe rational discussion doesn't work every time. Yes, violence is abhorrent, but when you feel like every avenue is closed off to you, like your voice isn't heard, maybe you would resort to violence too. People have such nostalgia for the peace and love of the sixties, but lest we forget; you had the Black Panthers, the Vietnam War, riots on university campuses... no period of social upheaval has ever been completely violence free. False nostalgia is bullshit, not everyone is enlightened to "the cause" and change is always resisted. Could these riots be violent, scummy people acting out their sick desires because they finally have a stage to do so? Maybe. Could it be the first indicator of the oh-so-overdue alteration in thinking that society needs to move into a more progressive, humanistic and equal future for everyone, not just the rich, heterosexual and married? In my view, the second one is equally, if not more, likely.

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